Help to your heart to help to your brain too. That’s find out the scientists, who tell that if you are sticking to a heart-healthy lifestyle you may also ward off Alzheimer’s disease. The new strady suggests that the raising “good” cholesterol levels can help prevent the brain disorder in older people. The study, published… Continue reading
Tag: good
Foods for boosting mood
Blissful meals Though their findings are debated, several studies show that a lack of certain vitamins and minerals may put you at risk for depression. Try these 10 nutrient-rich meals that taste as good as they make you feel. Salmon Salad With Vinaigrette Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids may have therapeutic benefits in depressed… Continue reading
Dirt is good immune stimulation for children?
It’s the basic nature of young children to touch the very things in their environment that their parents find most disgusting. Just try to keep your 1-year old from sticking the dog’s bone in her mouth! After a year of swine flu scares, health authorities imploring regular hand washing, and talk of sanitizer gel like it… Continue reading
Your kitty loves to scratch you? You can leach do not do that
Cat bites are a normal part of having a kitty, because cats mouth and paw objects to explore their world. You can’t stop it. But kitties can learn to inhibit the force of the bite and to use soft paws without claws. She won’t know that teeth and claws hurt, unless you explain to her… Continue reading
Good or bad is to sleep with your pet on your bed
When Ingrid and Shea Armour brought their new Weimaraner puppy, Cooper, home in August 2006, they were determined to keep him off their bed. So they bought a dog crate, with a bed and fluffy blankets to ensure he had a warm, comfy place to sleep. Cooper, however, had other ideas. The first night he… Continue reading
Good, Bad and Essential Fats
Many people believe that if we want to maintain our weight we have to stop eating fats. However, this is not the true. Our body needs fats, they are important for the normal functions of the body. But it is important that we don’t consume large amounts of fat and make difference between healthy and… Continue reading
Perfect figure and good health – how to achieve it?
The common believe is that losing weight means a weakened organism and hence, many medical problems. It is not true. You can lose weight gradually and still remain healthy. But you should know that if you want to control your weight in certain limits, you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. Here are… Continue reading
If you don’t want your kid to behave badly on sporting events, you must do it too.
Jeff Leslie still remembers the little girl standing on the mound, trying to play ball. “She was pitching out there and all of a sudden she broke down crying,” the volunteer president of the Jupiter-Tequesta Athletic Association recalls. “The coach went out to talk to her and she said, ‘My dad is embarrassing me to… Continue reading