The record high temperatures that have dominated most of the summer are continuing to make outdoor activities more dangerous. Despite the extreme heat and humidity many people are exercising outside, knowing winter is just around the corner. “It’s great to get outside and exercise before the cold weather sets in, but this year’s record heat… Continue reading
Tag: heat
How to handle with the heat if we have an ashtma or other respiratory condition
It’s the dog days of summer that slow most of us to a crawl in search of shade, ice and water – in no particular order. But for people with asthma and other respiratory conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the combination of high heat and humidity with congested and polluted air can… Continue reading
All for heat illness
Our bodies, which create a tremendous amount of internal heat, are normally cooled through sweating and radiating heat through our skin. Under certain circumstances, such as unusually high temperatures, high humidity, or vigorous exercise in hot weather, this natural cooling system may begin to fail, allowing internal heat to build up to dangerous levels. The result may… Continue reading
What causing heat of your facial skin?
Beware of your heater and fireplace! We’ve all heard that the sun’s UV rays can damage the skin, leading to wrinkles, sun spots, and premature aging. But recent research shows that heat can also damage your skin in much the same way. Chronic heat exposure (like from sitting too close to a fireplace, or using… Continue reading