There is report that a medic from Charite-Medical University in Berlin, has cured the patient with HIV. And this miricle salvation became fact with a bone marrow transplant. Although the news could potentially lead to more research into new treatments including gene therapy, Victor Maldonado of HealthHIV warns that the findings should be viewed with… Continue reading
Tag: HIV
Support and social protection for children with HIV and AIDS
In an effort to forge greater commitment for child sensitive social protection policies, 40 parliamentarians from ten countries in Eastern and Southern Africa are gathering for a three day meeting in Windhoek, Namibia. Hosted by the Parliament of Namibia in partnership with Inter-Parliamentary Union and UNICEF, the forum aims to build consensus amongst parliamentarians for… Continue reading
Experiments with vaginal tablets and rings for prevention of HIV/AIDS
New research presented Monday at the International Microbicides Conference in Pittsburgh, Pa., suggests that devices such as vaginal rings, vaginal tablets and dissolving films can effectively deliver drugs to help protect women from HIV/AIDS, Reuters reports. The research also suggests that such approaches may reduce the risk of drug resistance that often develops when taking… Continue reading
According researchers, the HIV virus is hidden in bone marrow
Researchers in the US have discovered that a latent form of HIV hides in progenitor cells in bone marrow, avoids detection by the immune system and retains the ability to reproduce and spread when the coast is clear (eg when treated people stop taking anti-HIV drugs). The researchers hope their discovery will lead to new… Continue reading