Cats love to play hide and seek, whether they’re scared, curious, or just in search of a cozy, quiet refuge to snuggle. But what seems like the perfect hidey-hole isn’t always the safest. When Allison Waters lived in an old carriage house, she didn’t realize that one of the cabinets in her pantry had an… Continue reading
Tag: kitty
Your kitty loves to scratch you? You can leach do not do that
Cat bites are a normal part of having a kitty, because cats mouth and paw objects to explore their world. You can’t stop it. But kitties can learn to inhibit the force of the bite and to use soft paws without claws. She won’t know that teeth and claws hurt, unless you explain to her… Continue reading
How to give pill on your cat with minimum stress
Giving Your Cat Medication With a Minimum of Stress Partnering with your veterinarian is the key to keeping your cat healthy, and that goes beyond the occasional check-up and immunization. Be sure to schedule veterinary visits at least every six months and to give your cat tender, loving care. If you do find that your… Continue reading
When you are away from home, what do you do with your kitty?
Let’s face it – traveling with cats isn’t easy. Many cats are not fond of car rides, nor do they enjoy being cooped up in a cat kennel for multiple hours. Some cats take the duration of the vacation to get over the stress, and by then it’s probably time to have to do it… Continue reading
Ten tips to take care of your cat or kitty
Your cat depends on you for a safe and happy life. Here are some tips to help make it as easy as possible for both of you. 1. Knowing your Cat’s Personality Imagine how boring the world would be if every cat had the same personality. Luckily, that’s not the case. There are many different… Continue reading
Can I train my kitty? Yes, there is a way
Most people believe that cats can’t be trained because cats don’t seem to respond to many of the methods used to train dogs. But cats do respond to training! In fact one of the first scientific studies highlighting the importance of reinforcement in animal behavior was done with cats. The first step to training your… Continue reading