The National Cholesterol Education Program maintains guidelines to assess the accuracy of methods for measuring cholesterol levels in patients. A recent study published in the journal Clinical Chemistry found that seven leading commercial methods produce results of mixed accuracy when compared to well-established techniques. In 2008, there were several different commercial homogeneous direct measurement methods… Continue reading
Tag: levels
Usage of high levels of vitamin D prevent diabetes types 2?
People who get plenty of vitamin D can cut their chance of developing Type 2 diabetes by 55 per cent. Researchers from the Warwick Medical School reviewed 28 existing studies on almost 100,000 people looking at vitamin D levels among middle-aged and elderly people. They also found high levels of vitamin D reduced the risk… Continue reading
Practice of yoga may help to reduces cytokine levels
Regularly practicing yoga exercises may lower a number of compounds in the blood and reduce the level of inflammation that normally rises because of both normal aging and stress, a new study has shown. The study, done by Ohio State University researchers and just reported in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, showed that women who routinely… Continue reading