There is report that a medic from Charite-Medical University in Berlin, has cured the patient with HIV. And this miricle salvation became fact with a bone marrow transplant. Although the news could potentially lead to more research into new treatments including gene therapy, Victor Maldonado of HealthHIV warns that the findings should be viewed with… Continue reading
Tag: man
The dogs imitators
Dogs just can’t help it. They automatically and voluntarily imitate the behavior of their owners, even if it costs them a snack. A new study by scientists at the universities of Vienna and Oxford says it provides the first evidence that dogs copy at least some of the behaviors and body movements of people in… Continue reading
Breast reduction for…men?
A popular cosmetic surgery for men may also be a surprising one-male breast reduction. This procedure is typically performed to treat a condition known as gynecomastia (enlarged breast tissue in men) or breasts enlarged as a result of fatty deposits from obesity. Gynecomastia can affect men of any age. According to a report published by… Continue reading
Symptoms of the genital herpes
The classic symptom of genital herpes is a cluster of small fluid-filled blisters that break, forming painful sores that crust and heal. This process can take several days. But some people get only a rash or small bumps on the skin that appear to be pimples. Still others have different symptoms, such as painful urination,… Continue reading
All for sex addiction
The term “sexual addiction” is used to describe the behavior of a person who has an unusually intense sex drive or an obsession with sex. Sex and the thought of sex tend to dominate the sex addict’s thinking, making it difficult to work or engage in healthy personal relationships. Sex addicts engage in distorted thinking,… Continue reading
The perfumes and hidden health risks?
That fragrance you wear, perhaps named after a celebrity, may make you feel sexy and irresistible, but chances are the label isn’t telling you everything that’s in it, according to a new report. And that could spell trouble, says Jane Houlihan, co-author of the new report, issued by The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics in partnership… Continue reading
Melantonin provoke problems with fertility?
One interesting component of this case was that the patient was taking melantonin. We were never able to obtain the dose or the indication for this medication. In researching this subject we discovered a study in which melantonin was used to protect spermatogenesis in rats with injury from testicular ischemia and with reperfusion injury.1 It… Continue reading
Some techniques for man’s anger control
Life provides men with an endless supply of things to get angry about. There’s the sullen waitress who refuses to look in your direction while you wave desperately for the check. There’s the oaf who drifts across the road without ever using his blinker. There’s the dropped call, the tepid shower, the gum on the… Continue reading