Children in the U.S are seeing less tobacco on TV thanks to tougher regulations. However, they are seeing more alcohol in movies and in advertisements. The research team examined 1,400 movies and the effect of the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement on their content. According to an article published in AMA Pediatrics, the tobacco brand appearances… Continue reading
Tag: memory loss
Nail Polishes Contain Toxic Substances
Nail polishes that claim to be non-toxic and free of hazardous chemicals may contain the toxic trio of formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate, and toluene. They have been shown to cause fertility problems, birth defects, and cancer. A new study found that products which claimed to be safe to use were more likely to contain these substances… Continue reading
Memory busters
Memory loss worries many of us as we get older. You might wonder whether you’ll become one of the 10 million baby boomers who develops Alzheimer’s disease. Or, maybe you’re simply seeking ways to fortify your memory with memory supplements, memory vitamins, or memory games. Will these brain boosters really help our memory? WebMD talked… Continue reading