You already know that pregnancy pains and hot flashes can keep you tossing and turning at night. But there’s a host of other, less-heralded health concerns that may be silently interfering with your shut-eye. Here’s how to deal with these stealth sleep stealers, decade by decade. New moms usually blame sluggishness or insomnia on the… Continue reading
Tag: mood
Foods for boosting mood
Blissful meals Though their findings are debated, several studies show that a lack of certain vitamins and minerals may put you at risk for depression. Try these 10 nutrient-rich meals that taste as good as they make you feel. Salmon Salad With Vinaigrette Studies show that omega-3 fatty acids may have therapeutic benefits in depressed… Continue reading
How pets can improve your health like no similar drug
Stay Well With Your Animals Most pet owners don’t need reminding. Animals make people feel good. But we’re talking about more than feeling glad they’re around. Your favorite animal can make you healthy and help you stay that way. You may be surprised at just how many ways a pet can improve your health. Pets… Continue reading
Herbs and vitamins for increasing mood
Mood problems, including depression and bipolar disorder, are no laughing matter. More than 20 million American adults have a mood disorder and 40 million an anxiety disorder. And these numbers don’t include the average worrywart or person who suffers an occasional bout of the blues. For depression alone, the annual cost for treatment and lost… Continue reading