Acne (say: ak-nee) — also known as pimples or zits — is a totally normal part of growing up. Kids get acne because of changes that occur during puberty, the time when kids’ bodies begin the many changes that turn them into adults. When you got your first pimple, you probably ran to ask your… Continue reading
Tag: myths
Some myths about insulin and diabetes 2 types
When you hear the word “insulin,” do you picture giant needles (ouch!) or pop culture portrayals of insulin users with low blood sugar (like Julia Roberts losing it in Steel Magnolias)? Either way, most people think of insulin as a difficult, painful, or potentially scary medical treatment. The problem is that if you have type… Continue reading
Which is the most popular food myths busted?
We all have heard about different assumptions and beliefs on food – what’s healthy, what’s unhealthy, what we should eat and should not eat. Here are five of the most popular food myths busted and debunked. 1) Healthier foods are very expensive This is not true. Some ingredients may really be expensive but you do… Continue reading