Approximately 1 billion people worldwide suffer from a deficiency of selenium, an essential nutrient for liver, heart, thyroid, and immune function. Since selenium deficiency is prevalent in Southeast Asia, researchers are studying the best biofortification for lowland rice production. In a study funded by the Commonwealth Government of Australia, the soil retention of three types… Continue reading
Tag: ways
Can I train my kitty? Yes, there is a way
Most people believe that cats can’t be trained because cats don’t seem to respond to many of the methods used to train dogs. But cats do respond to training! In fact one of the first scientific studies highlighting the importance of reinforcement in animal behavior was done with cats. The first step to training your… Continue reading
How to control eating and portions
Those suffering from obesity are likely having a difficult time with portion control. The amount of food eaten is often a bigger contributor to weight gain than the type of food eaten. Even healthy foods consumed in vast quantities can lead to an overabundance of calories and unwanted pounds. To help ensure portion sizes are… Continue reading
Natural Facial Skin Care
Care about the skin of the face should be an important part of the daily beauty routine. You should cleanse, moisture, exfoliate and treat your facial skin if you want to maintain is healthy and beautiful. The facial skin care products that you use should be chosen in accordance with your skin type. However, natural… Continue reading
Some different ways to detox your body
Introduction to detoxification Detoxification comes in many forms and refers to many different programs that cleanse the body of toxins. Today, our environment is toxic and the foods we eat, even the air we breathe and the water we drink is laden with chemicals foreign to our system. Therefore, everyone is undergoing some type of… Continue reading
Few ways to improve your walking workouts
Of all the ways to stay fit, walking is the easiest, safest, and cheapest. It can also be the most fun: a fine day, a good companion, an attainable goal (say, a scenic spot) three or four miles away. On city streets, in the woods, or even round and round the high school track, walking… Continue reading