Your cat depends on you for a safe and happy life. Here are some tips to help make it as easy as possible for both of you.
1. Knowing your Cat’s Personality
Imagine how boring the world would be if every cat had the same personality. Luckily, that’s not the case. There are many different breeds, and each one is known to have a particular demeanor about her. Take a look at some common personality traits and see if our analysis is true for your cat.
2. Cracking the Cat Code
Cat owners know that a cat does exactly what she wants to, when she wants to. We love their independence, but sometimes we wonder: what’s behind those mysterious cat behaviors? From tail swishes to purring.
3. Cat Scratching Scraping Your Nerves?
Over the years, you’ve come to a mutual understanding with your cat that involves a regular feeding schedule, frequent treats and lots of attention and affection (on her terms, of course). While your relationship with your cat is special, chances are you have a pretty special relationship with your sofa, too. So when kitty and sofa collide, who wins the battle in your heart?
4. Leaving Your Kitty in Good Hands
Let’s face it—traveling with cats isn’t easy. Many cats are not fond of car rides, nor do they enjoy being cooped up in a cat kennel for multiple hours. Some cats take the entire vacation to get over the stress, and by then it’s time to do it all over again on the way home. Learn how to keep her safe when you go away.
5. Learn Why Cats Hide
As a cat owner, you’ve probably found your cat hiding in some of the strangest places imaginable. From the inside of a mattress to the bottom of the clothes hamper, many cats seem to enjoy getting into “tight spots.” But what is it about cats that causes them to climb into the strangest places?
6. Crazy About Catnip
Some cats can’t get enough catnip but is too much dangerous? Find out the facts about this inspiring herb. While it’s true that a catnip toy may be one way of getting an overweight cat to engage in some much-needed exercise, can there be too much of a good thing?
7. Feeding a Finicky Feline
“Help! My cat won’t eat anything!” If these words sound familiar, know that you’re not alone; cats can be finicky when it comes to almost anything, but this is especially true with food. Instead of resigning yourself to your pet’s behavior, consider that it may have been learned—and you can change it.
8. Giving Your Cat a Pill
Partnering with your veterinarian is the key to keeping your cat healthy, and that goes beyond the occasional check-up and immunization. Be sure to schedule veterinary visits at least every six months and, if you find that she needs veterinary care, you may have to give her medications. This, as you may already know, can be a challenge. Learn how to give her medication with a minimum of stress.
9. What Should “Natural” Mean for Your Cat?
Make sure to check the label on your kitten or adult maintenance cat food. Is the first ingredient listed lamb, fish or another animal protein? It should be. Animal protein is a key part of any natural cat food, and it’s important for your cat’s well-being. In fact, vets agree that up to 90% of the protein in cat foods should come from animal sources such as chicken, lamb or fish.
10. Grooming Your Cat
Cats are efficient groomers, but they need help maintaining a high standard of hygiene, health and beauty. You can keep her beautiful with regular combing or brushing, bathing and nail maintenance. You’ll need specific grooming supplies to start and we’ll be with you every step of the way.
source: http://pets.webmd.com/keeping-pet-healthy/ten-tips-care-cat
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