If you play sports, it is essential to stay up to date and informed about the injuries you could sustain. Being prepared will help you in the future should anything happen while you are participating in your sport. It’s a good idea to know about the most common injuries that typically occur so you can stay ahead of them and hopefully prevent them from happening. If you can’t prevent them, being aware of them will still be beneficial. In this video, you will learn about five of the most common sports injuries.
Runner’s knee is common in people who job or run regularly. Pain will be present in areas around the kneecap.
To help prevent and treat it, it is a good idea to stretch before and after a run. Sprained ankles are common in sports like soccer or skateboarding. If a foot twists in an odd direction, then the ligament inside the ankle will tear. Similarly, the meniscus and rotator cuff can tear. These are located in the knee and shoulder. An ACL tear takes place in the knee, as well. In this video, you will learn about the symptoms of each and what can cause them.