Every day there’s news of the latest chemical in our moisturizer or acne cream that’s going to cause serious medical problems. With such a high prevalence of harmful skin care ingredients on the market, it’s no wonder many people are switching to natural skin care products for their daily care regimen.
But what natural skin care ingredients work best? Here are our top five:
1. Beta Carotene
Beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which allows for faster wound healing, better sun protection, and a more positive rate of cell regeneration. It also contains antioxidants that can treat discoloration in some instances. Fruits and vegetables that are red, orange and yellow in color usually contain beta carotene, so many of the best skin care options contain them.
2. Green Tea
Many of the best skin care products on the market contain green tea, and for good reason. Green tea contains high levels of antioxidants that are just as healthy to get from skin care products as ingestion. The chemicals in green tea cut down on UV skin damage and also reduce inflammation.
3. Licorice
Licorice is also an ingredient in many of the best skin care products. It reduces inflammation and redness and can even be used to treat rosacea. By blocking the overproduction of melanin, it can also make the pigmentation of skin more even and lighten dark circles under the eye.
4. Soy
Many soy-based products can offer results that would otherwise require prescription strength medication and harsh chemicals. They prevent melanin overproduction and uneven pigmentation and protect users from UV damage. Skin with soy looks brighter, more even, and more healthy.
5. Oatmeal
The Food and Drug Administration has actually approved colloidal oatmeal as a legitimate eczema, dry skin, poison plant and insect bite treatment. The lipids and proteins in the oats strengthen the skin barrier and reduce inflammation.
Look for skin care products that contain these healthy ingredients the next time you go shopping.
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