Many people aspire to be wealthy, which honestly, it’s a pretty sweet dream to have. But what is wealth without health? Good question, isn’t it? When founder of Apple Computers Steve Jobs was facing the end of his life due to complications with pancreatic cancer, he openly admitted that he would trade his illness to start a life over again as a poor man. This is a clear statement that only goes to prove a long held belief that health truly is wealth, and without health, there’s no possibility of ever becoming wealthy. A person who has their health has everything!
Yet how many people actually take this to heart and keep this sentiment in mind? Based on the ways in which so many people treat and abuse their bodies, it’s easy to see that many people don’t share the above mindset, instead focusing on outward material wealth and not internal health. Just look at the way people eat, the way people abuse substances, the way people choose not exercise even though they know their lives depend on it. A person who truly believed that health was integral to building and earning wealth would not treat their body in such a way and would take steps to preserve or improve their health, including diet, exercise, and preventative medicinal practices such as chiropractor services.
In Western society medical care if often seen as reactive and not preventive, meaning an illness is treated only after it manifests rather than taking proactive measures to prevent it from happening in the first place. Not only can chiropractic care services be used to treat and prevent a variety of ailments and illnesses, it also has several other benefits. Unfortunately, many people do not get to experience chiropractic benefits first hand due to fear of going or disbelief that it will actually work. This is often the case when it comes holistic, homeopathic, naturopathic, and other alternative medical care in the United States.
Here’s how taking advantage of chiropractic services can dramatically improve your overall health and well being, which in turn empowers you to grind to become wealthier!
Reduce inflammation and pain
Whether it’s for a sports related injury, a car accident, or for any other painful condition, many people go to the chiropractor for chronic pain. Going to see a chiropractor for chronic pain can really help those in pain management programs slowly wean themselves off of prescription medication or avoid addiction. If a person’s spine is misaligned in some way due to an injury, it will cause pain and tension in the rest of the body, which can be physically and emotionally draining as well as uncomfortable.
Better immunity
If you go to see a chiropractor for chronic pain, you can also expect to experience improved immunity as well. Dr. Ronald Pero, who works as the the chief of cancer prevention research at New York’s Preventive Medicine Institute conducted a study in order to better understand the link between improved immunity and going to the chiropractor. In Pero’s study, 107 people received long term chiropractic care for pain and other reasons where shown to have an immune system that was nearly 200% stronger than people who didn’t.
A good night of rest, finally
Everyone knows how frustrating it can be to struggle in order to find a comfortable position to sleep in. How annoying! It’s even worse if you have back or joint pain, in which case, getting comfortable can feel like an impossible task. Chiropractic alignments can not only help to significantly reduce pain, but they can also help to dramatically improve the quality of one’s sleep as a result. And with better sleep comes better overall health too, all thanks to going to the chiropractor for chronic pain!