It’s hard to keep track of all the information that gets churned out every year about weight loss. Every day, it seems like there’s a new miracle cure just waiting to be picked up at our local supplement stores. But wish as we might for some kind of magical pill to relieve us of our post-Thanksgiving (or Christmas, or both) weight gain, the truth is that in order to shed pounds, we first have to start making smart decisions.
Of course, sometimes it can be beneficial to give our bodies a little boost.
One of the fastest-growing dietary supplements is the pure raspberry ketone extract from fruit that has potential ties to weight loss and has been named a “miracle” — yes, that word again — by TV’s beloved Dr. Oz. Still, there’s validity to these claims, just like certain diets might work for some that don’t work for others. It’s all about knowing where to start.
Sugar-Free: The Way to Be?
Sugar isn’t our enemy, despite what certain diet plans would have you believe. In fact, it all comes down to good sugars and bad sugars — and as long as you stick to the right ones, your waistline won’t suffer. Of course, this is much easier said than done, and diets like the South Beach plan push for cutting out sugar altogether in order to shed those inches from your belly. And it works. But the truth is your body can’t live without sugar forever. Which leads us to our next dieting question…
Will Low Carb Lead to Lost Pounds?
Certainly, if you ask Dr. Atkins. Carbohydrates can be found in a variety of foods, and in fact, they’re a bit hard to avoid. Fruits, vegetables, milk, nuts, seeds, legumes and grains are all rich in carbs, so it’s borderline impossible to cut all those things out of your diet and still attempt to maintain a healthy diet. To be fair, cutting carbs does have its benefits, but quitting them altogether is, again, just no good. Stick to whole grains (not in excess, of course) over refined flour products.
Understanding the Pure Raspberry Ketone Diet
If you’ve paid attention to diet crazes of the past five years or so, you’ve definitely heard a ruckus kicked up about raspberry ketone dietary supplements — but what do they even entail, exactly? Pure raspberry ketone is derived from raspberries, blackberries and other fruits as the natural compound that gives those fruits their sweet aromas. For that reason, they’ve been used as food additives for years, but there’s also a bit of evidence that suggests they could be useful for weight loss.
Of course, before you go out and buy raspberry ketones, ask your doctor if weight loss is the best course of action for you. You never want to get involved with a diet that might be hazardous to your health.