If you or a loved one have a serious disease with a prognosis of fewer than 6 months, you probably want to move from the process of treating an illness, to simply caring for a person. In this video, the president of the oldest large non-profit hospice in Nevada, explains hospice care.
When a terminally ill patient and their family are going through this process, there is an abundance of needs that must be meant. Hospice gives you a care team that can work closely to optimize your care at every stage mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
A plan of care will be put into place with a new patient which includes support medically, physically, and more. Hospice care takes away the burdens of care so that you can focus your energy on spending time with your loved ones during this remaining time period.
The end-of-life journey can be extremely stressful and riddled with anxiety, but hospice care not only physically cares for their resident, but helps the family deal with financial stressors, give advice on coping mechanisms, and becomes a guide through this difficult time. If you want to learn more about what to expect during hospice care, watch this video.