Most medical packaging suppliers for large scale production may have been handled in house for awhile, but rapid commercialization may have increased options available to medical equipment companies. When you begin to look at turnkey healthcare packaging, you might find that it can provide a more effective way to manufacture medical packaging design that is distributed through medical packaging suppliers. You can find the right healthcare packaging with your preliminary research.
For typical medical packaging suppliers, you will want to look at the date and time constraints well in advance to minimize any scheduling issues. As you look at various options for medical packaging manufacturers, ask about their calendar and future bookings. If your product launch is not flexible, then you do not have to continue pursuing that particular company.
From the discussions about scheduling, you can begin to talk about potential costs and configurations. If you are going to look at several providers now is the time to start sampling their manufacturing and assembly capabilities. In fact, most will have samples available that might correspond to your prototype models.
If they have a production manager, set up some time to meet with them so that they can prepare a proposal for you. They should also be able to present some packaging and delivery options at the same time. This will not only let you evaluate their levels of expertise, but it helps you see the general state of the medical packaging manufacturing companies. This can be a good sign of their attention to detail and their ability to make your product more successful. When looking at potential medical supply companies, you should take into account any special engineering considerations. Frequently your account manager can guide you through these discussions. Good references here.