The human body requires certain types and amounts of nutrients in order to function normally. However, if we want to stay healthy, we should be careful about the type and amount of food we choose. There are some foods that should be avoided or consumed in very small amounts. Here are some examples of foods we should avoid or consume in moderation:
1) Fats and oils – butter, hard brick margarine, fried foods, coconuts and food containing coconut, mayonnaise
2) Meat, fish and poultry – fatty beef, pork and mutton, processes meats (salami, polony), organ meats (liver, kidneys, offal), tinned meat, fast foods (fried chicken, hamburgers), deep fried foods (doughnuts, samoosas)
3) Milk and milk products – full-cream and condensed milk, cream, artificial cream, coffee or tea creamers, full-fat yoghurt, full-fat cheeses
4) Breads and cereals – white bread, refined breakfast cereals, over-salted snacks, crisps
5) Beverages – large amounts of alcohol, over-use of soft drinks, over-use of fruit juices, coffee and tea with sugar
6) Desserts – biscuits, cakes, puddings, chocolates