This statement would be true if every day we ate a wide variety of local, seasonal, organic fruits and vegetables grown in nutrient rich soils and virgin water that hadn’t been picked green, gas ripened, irradiated, shipped, placed in cold storage, left to sit on the supermarket shelf, and then cooked within an inch of their life. Add to this list increased nutritional needs due to factors such as pollution, alcohol, stress and chronic disease, and it becomes immediately apparent that indeed everyone could benefit from an effective daily multivitamin.
Daily health insurance
Each day we have a basic requirement for a range of essential vitamins and minerals; if this requirement is not met, acute deficiency diseases may result. Furthermore emerging evidence suggests that adequate daily micronutrient intake, often at intakes above the Recommended Daily Allowance, may also prevent age related disease and promote optimal health and wellbeing1.
Who needs a multivitamin anyway?
Despite public health recommendations only a minority of people meet the suggested 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables2, and while there have been efforts to fortify foods with nutrients such as folic acid and vitamin D this does not ensure nutritional adequacy3,4. Importantly, multivitamins are not meant to replace healthy eating recommendations; leading experts recommend they are used as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle5,6.
In a review of vitamins for disease prevention published in the Journal of the American Medical Association it was concluded that; “Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. Pending strong evidence of effectiveness from randomised trials, it appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements.7 ”
Research shows that the typical Western diet supplies less than adequate amounts of several essential vitamins and minerals8 and nutrition surveys have found that large numbers of people consume too little calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and possibly copper and manganese2,3.
A new Multi-nutrient which has become available will help to support the following systems:
- Hormones (B vitamins and folic acid – support methylation)
- Energy production (B vitamins, iron, magnesium)
- Cognitive health (Glutamine)
- Kidneys (Potassium)
- Liver (Lecithin, vitamins A, C & E, lysine, glutamine, taurine and zinc)
- Gallbladder (Lecithin)
- Immune (Lysine, vitamins, A, C & D, zinc and selenium)
- Gut (Glutamine)
- Cardiovascular (Taurine, B vitamins and folic acid for methylation, lecithin, vitamin D)
- Thyroid (Iodine, B vitamins)
- Bones (Vitamins K and D, calcium, magnesium)
- Blood sugar (Chromium, manganese)
source: http://www.health4youonline.com/article_true_or_false_we_dont_need_multivitamins.htm