For everyone the most important thing which is considered to be a boon is a flawless skin. But it is not available to all as there are several problems which are faced by all skin types. There are several troubles of the skin which includes freckles, pigmentation, ageing, stretch marks, birthmarks and many more.
Freckles are a genetic problem, not so common in India, but still to be found in some people. Freckles usually increase with exposure to sunlight, so as a sunscreen with a high SPF is a must. However freckles that are aggravated by sudden excessive exposure to sun, like a holiday on the beach, usually lighten on its own. Freckles are also likely to increase during your period and if you are under great stress.
Clinical treatments could lighten freckles but will not remove them completely. Some of the really big ones may be removed by electro-cauterization where the top layers of the freckle are burnt and allowed to become a scab which falls off. The use of de-pigmenting creams and strong sun blocks is the best method of dealing with freckles.
Pigmentation of skin is caused by hormonal changes in the body. These often occur during pregnancy. Seventy percent of pigmentation that happens during pregnancy goes away on its own. The thirty percent that remains, remains stubbornly. It can be controlled, but not eliminated completely.
Ageing is yet another cause for pigmentation, especially during the pre-menopausal changes in the body. There are various de-pigmenting creams such as hydroquinone, two to four percent containing creams which many of them prefer. It is just because they help to lighten the patches for a while. However, this is only superficial.
The clinical method of combating pigmentation marks is the deep chemical peel. The glycolic acid peel which is formulated from extracts of sugar cane. This is the most preferable which is known to be the non-chemical based, it is the most natural, safe and comfortable. This acid peels off several top layers of the marks and gives some relief. The hitch is that you have to studiously take a lot of care to protect your skin against sunlight after this peel. Exposure to sunlight can hurt the sensitive new skin and make it darker. It usually takes about three months for the treated skin to heal completely.
Stretch marks are known to be another skin problem faced by all people especially after delivery. But the simple plain truth that people do not want to accept is that stretch marks have no cure. Post natal marks could be snipped off by a plastic surgeon, but glycolic acid peels, retinoic acid peels; even laser treatments are all useless. Once the elastic fibres snap, nothing can be done.
Yet there is a roundabout way that involves camouflage. The skin surrounding the stretch marks can be lightened by a skin lightening treatment, so that the white streaks are lessened and the marks don’t show.
Birthmarks are those which could be removed by laser treatment. Wrinkles are known to be alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) creams. This helps to control wrinkles to a larger extent. Ageing causes skin to thin, creating wrinkles, so these creams work by thickening the epidermis. They also regenerate the collagen or the supportive tissues, thus making the skin look younger and suppler.
The retinoic acid peel is also used for wrinkles, where the peeling action reduces the depth of wrinkles and the lines become shallower and less visible.
Stress is the most important thing that creates skin problems. Just as it affects every other system in the body go awry, it affects the skin too. It is in the form of disturbed glandular balance.
The truth is that everything you do under the effect of stress shows up on your skin. If you sleep badly, dark circles or bags come up under the eyes. If you eat badly, dark circles or bags come up under the eyes. If you eat badly, it shows up in the form of pale, unhealthy skin which loses its translucence. In the oily skin type, it causes even more damage because stress activates the hormones which stimulate the oil glands. Thus more oil than usual gushes out of the wide open pores, leading to an outbreak of pimples. Haven’t you noticed how adolescents suffer from more acne during exams?
Eczema is clearly a stress-related skin disease where stress automatically makes the patches itch. The best way to combat the effects of stress on the skin is to exercise and also make it a regular one as a routine. It could be in any form such as yoga, aerobics or walking. This increases circulation, sends more oxygen and nourishment to the skin, flushes out toxins and keeps the skin looking healthy.
The second way is to stick to a low-fat diet. Experiments have proven that chocolates are only temporary mood elevators and they will surely spoil your skin in the long run. So rid yourself of the myth that chocolates relieve stress, immediately!
One of the best known, popular and latest trends in the treatment of various skin problems are said to be laser skin rejuvenation. It has been introduced since 30 years from now. But in the field of dermatology it has been functional only for over last three to four years.
Laser technology works on the theory of light amplification for the stimulated emission of radiation. In layman’s terms, it means that light energy is converted to heat in order to do superficial surgery on the skin. About seventy to seventy five percent of the skin cells consist of water. The laser light is used to rapidly heat this water to above 100 degree Celsius, so that it is converted into steam. This steam then expands and explodes, thus bursting the cell walls and ablating the superficial layers of the skin. It is known to be the painless, non-bloody way of removing several layers of the skin and resurfacing and tightening it. It is used for various purposes such as:
1. Fine or coarse wrinkles of the skin, usually on the face.
2. Uneven skin surface as a result of scarring acne, pimple marks, surgical scars, small pox marks or small skin growths like moles.
3. Age spots and photo-damaged skin blemishes.
4. Birthmarks
5. Pigmentation
6. Warts and
7. Tattoos.
A patch test is always done before performing a full laser skin resurfacing to ascertain risks of hyper pigmentation or scarring.
After establishing basic cleansing and moisturizing routine, supplement it with one or more of various things needed. The most important are the exfoliation or exfoliates. Exfoliation isn’t as elemental as cleansing and moisturizing, but it should still be an integral part of any skin-care routine. This is because every three to four weeks, new skin cells push their way from the lowest level of the epidermis which is the topmost layer of the skin to the surface. Once there, they dry and fall off, revealing plumper, fresher cells beneath them. Exfoliating speeds up the sloughing process by scrubbing of the top skin. As a result, skin is smoother and more radiant and skin care ingredients penetrate more easily. Exfoliates can be either physical or chemical. Physical ones are creams or gels containing rounded synthetic, polyethylene beads. Chemical ones include a variety of enzymes, fruits acids and retinoid which are the vitamin A derivative. Dermatologists recommend exfoliating a few times a week. The more oily your skin, the more often you should do it.
The next thing which is important is the toner. Many of us grew up dutifully toning our skin every morning and night. But today, most dermatologists agree that the toner isn’t necessary. It main purpose is to remove all traces of makeup and residual cleanser, but a high-quality cleanser, even a creamy one, should rinse off easily with water alone. Some women like the fact that toner leaves their face tight and smooth. But that taut, tingly sensation actually indicates dryness-especially if your toner contains astringents such as alcohol or witch hazel. The ideal candidate for toner is someone with oily or acne prone skin who enjoys that squeaky-clean feeling, and who can actually benefit from newer, more treatment-oriented formulations. Make sure to use an oil-free version that contains acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid, as well as hydrating ingredients like aloe and glycerin. Of it leaves the skin uncomfortably tight, use it every other day.
The cleansing cloths and pillows are very important for the skin care. The newest category of facial cleansers is a boon for “germa-phobes” and frequent travelers. Cleansing cloths and pillows have built-in cleansers so they lather up when they get wet, and you toss them after one use so they never get contaminated with bacteria. Even better, some cloths are pre-moistened so you don’t even need water to wash your face. They scrub skin like a wash cloth, and some have a rougher side for exfoliating. But the most important thing is that the cleansing cloth as well as pillows is incredibly convenient. They eliminate the need to open a bottle or hunt for a wash cloth tasks that sound effortless but actually feel like a chore after a later night out or in a cramped airplane bathroom.
Skin is the most important of all and should be taken care always. Caring the skin from childhood itself shows up a lot of difference as the age increases. The daily skin care routine of the individual should consist of eye-contour cream, moisturizer, cleansers, exfoliates, night creams and all those which is very important for making you look younger and healthy. This would really mean to be something great when you grow older as proper care to the skin would result in better skin when you are old.
source: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/cold-urticaria/DS01160
@chels I know what you mean, its hard to find good help these days. People now days just don’t have the work ethic they used to have. I mean consider whoever wrote this post, they must have been working hard to write that good and it took a good bit of their time I am sure. I work with people who couldn’t write like this if they tried, and getting them to try is hard enough as it is.
So happy have the chance to access this blog, really worthwhile, learned a lot!Thank you!