Taking care of your skin should not be an option. It’s so easy to just let it go and not place much importance on cleansing, hydrating and the rest of it. But, the truth is, if you don’t take care of your skin then it’s not going to be a long time before your skin begins to start wrinkling up and sagging and losing its brightness. There’s a lot to be said about private label skincare for spas. Those kinds of products are carefully researched and looked into before being brought out on the shelf. They focus on natural skin products and all kinds of organic skin care that is really great for your skin. Here are some of the ramifications of not taking care of your skin.
Broken Lashes
This one is not one that people think of much. If you wear make up and don’t thoroughly wash it off every night, the mascara on your eyelashes can become brittle over time and when you lay on your pillow, your eyelashes fold and will break because of the hardened mascara. Broken lashes do grow back but it takes a long time and you probably won’t even notice that they are breaking until you realize how short your lashes have become. From that point it’ll take about six months before they are back to their full potential and that’s only if you start washing off the mascara.
Clogged Pores
Even if you never wear make up, there are plenty of other things that can clog up your pores. Sweat, dirt and other elements from the atmosphere can get into our skin. The worst thing about clogged pores is that it causes break outs. Once the bad stuff gets into your pores, it burrows into your skin and takes a lot to get it out. That’s what causes white heads, black heads, break outs, acne and zits. Using private label skincare for spas will get rid of these the fastest but the best thing to do is regularly wash your skin properly and efficiently. Don’t cut corners when it comes to cleaning your face.
Skin Cancer
If you aren’t in the habit of taking care of your skin on a day to day basis, you probably aren’t using sun screen very often. This can lead to sun spots and even skin cancer. Of all of the cancers, skin cancer is the most preventable but it’s up to you to use sun screen. It is recommended to wear at least an SPF 15 cream at the very minimum and reapply every hour and a half if you are going to constantly be out in the sun.
If you don’t take care of your skin when you are young, your face and hands and neck will be what suffers most. Good private label skincare for spas has elements and ingredients in their products that promote elasticity in the skin. Lack of elastin is what causes skin to begin to sag and wrinkle. As you get older, you’ll naturally lose elastin and collagen but using the right lotions and cleansing solutions will help to keep those properties in your skin.
Now, when you hear the phrase private label skincare for spas, you probably think high end and expensive. But, that is not always the case. While private label skin care products can be expensive, not all of them are. Either that or you can purchases sample sizes that will be cheaper and they will still last you a long time. The great thing about higher end products is that you need so much less of it compared to drug store products which require an entire handful of the stuff.
A girl that worked at a make up store once said that every older woman that came into the store stated that the most important things to keep moisturized were the face, neck and hands. Those three areas tend to get the most wrinkly as you get older and their advice is good lotion and daily skin care regimen. It’s good advice that everyone should follow; men and women. And to add to that, the younger you can start that daily regimen, the better off you’ll be.