If you have an aching back, painful joints, or sore muscles, it is essential to consider orthodontic consulting to see an orthopedic physician. These experts can identify the underlying health disorders causing your pain and devise a comprehensive treatment strategy. Here’s what to expect on your first visit.
The first step an orthodontist will do is have you fill out paperwork about your medical and dental history. They will then examine your dental data, which helps establish when you last saw a dentist and when you received x-rays, among other details. Before making further judgments, your orthodontist considers all this information from your general medical history. The orthodontist consultation continues with an oral examination and x-ray assessment.
An oral examination helps the orthodontist spot other issues that may not have been noted in your records. After reviewing your records and examining them, they will develop an initial treatment plan informing the patient what to expect from the operations they will receive. Your orthodontist will give you enough time to ask them questions while providing answers to all your concerns. If you don’t have any other dental issues that need immediate care, the last step is to schedule your first treatment appointment.