“Organic” is a term used to describe plant foods and animals that are produced and grown with the usage of environmentally sound methods which sustain the health of people and the health of the planet.
Farmers who practice organic farming do not use chemicals, such as pesticides or fertilizers in ways which may be harmful for the environment and the consumers. The technologies they use are a combination of old and new methods which aim at maintaining a balance in the natural ecosystems. Among the methods of organic farming are:
– Rotation of crops between fields – this method protects against building up of pests and improves the fertility of the soil.
– Planting of certain bushes and flowers which attract useful insects. These insects are beneficial because they keep unwanted pests away.
Organic farming helps for the improved fertility of the soil and its enrichment with nutrients. It keeps it clean from chemicals and in this way organic farming helps for the protection of waters and wild life. Organic farming produces food that is safer and healthier than the food produced with the usage of other technologies.
Organic food can improve your health because it does not expose you to chemicals and toxins, used in the common farming technologies. Among these toxins are pesticides, some of which have been classified as potential cancer-causing agents, heavy metals like lead and mercury, and solvents such as benzene and toluene. Your health can only benefit from a limited exposure to these toxic agents. Moreover, foods produces with the usage of organic methods, contain higher levels of proteins, vitamin C and minerals.