If you’ve ever been in a hospital, it’s no secret that there’s all manner of medical equipment being used. But in terms of medical equipment appraisal, do you know what equipment is used most often in medical settings? Let’s take a look.
One of the most used pieces of equipment in a medical setting is actually a simple phone. This phone connects nurses and doctors to patients who need help.
If a patient calls for medical assistance, the phone will show a message with the room number where the request originated. Another commonly used piece of equipment in hospitals is called a doppler. This tool is used by medical professionals to help find a pulse if they’re having trouble.
EKG machines are another commonly used piece of equipment. These machines can monitor vital signs like heart rate and oxygen levels in patients and are essential in helping medical professionals care for their patients properly. MRI machines might not be utilized day in and day out, but they’re also incredibly important pieces of medical equipment. They’re used to scan the entire body for irregularities like tumors or other tissue issues.