If you’ve taken the first significant step of booking your first psychiatrist appointment, congratulations! Not a lot of people have the guts to book their appointments with a psychiatrist. So, if you don’t know what to expect during your first appointment, here are some scenarios that you might experience.
What can you expect during your first psychiatrist appointment?
Most psychiatrists will tell you that the first thing they want you to do is to say something about yourself, the problem you’re facing, and if you have any medical conditions.
Typically, the first psychiatrist appointment should last nearly an hour or so, and this is to give your psychiatrist a better understanding of your problem and some personal background.
In some scenarios, people who book an appointment with a psychiatrist have to fill up a form and any recurring illnesses and state their medical history. These are all needed for the psychiatrist to know how they are going to approach your problem and what steps they need to take to have a smoother time tackling your issues/problems.
The psychiatrist will also conduct a more focused personal interview, and this is also to give them a better understanding of your medical condition and the medications you are taking a person is taking for those medical illnesses. In addition, most psychiatrists prefer not to prescribe medication at first because some people might not need them at first.