You may have heard about the condition called Dyslexia, but may not fully understand it. Not completely understanding this term can cause confusion and incorrect perception of people who are dyslexic. This simple guide shares what you need to know about this condition.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder. It involves a person’s difficulty in reading because of problems in identifying the speech sounds and the ability to learn how they relate to letters and words.
This condition is also called a reading disability. This affects the part of the brain associated with reading and language. Dyslexic people look just like the rest of us. They usually have normal vision and normal intelligence.
Being dyslexic can be managed by undergoing special reading programs and tutorials to help the reader improve. Emotional support and care for the person also help a lot in managing this disorder.
Some of the early signs of dyslexia are delayed speech, slow learning of new words, problems in remembering letters and words, and difficulty in learning songs and nursery rhymes. These are early signs that parents can look out for. If diagnosed early, this condition can be managed better. It will be an easier hurdle to overcome for a child if also matched with emotional support.