Many people are under the belief that botox, fillers and injectables are the same thing. However, botox and fillers are actually two forms of injectables.
An injectable is a dermal filler made up of various solutions and chemicals that make a person’s face look younger through targeted injections. Both procedures are quick and last for a long time.
Botox (Botulinum Toxin) injections are directly inserted into a person’s facial muscles and paralyze areas of a person’s face. Botox treatments prevent wrinkles and lower the presence of fine lines and crow’s feet. Botox treatments last for up to five months.
Unlike Botox, fillers can be made up of various chemicals and solutions. Typically, a filler is made of hyaluronic acid, with an animal or synthetic collagen or a person’s transplanted fat. Fillers add volume to a person’s face and lips and reduce wrinkles.
Hyaluronic acid is the main chemical in fillers and strengthens a person’s skin making their face look less hollow. Human bodies naturally produce hyaluronic acid; however, this process reduces over time. Fillers do not revitalize this process but instead temporarily replenish hyaluronic acid in faces for eight to twelve months.
Both procedures are safe as long as they are conducted by a professional.