This fruit can help you fight off colds, whiten teeth, even smooth out wrinkles.
Cold fighter
Use grape juice to ward off colds. The fruit boosts immunity by increasing the amount of gamma-delta T cells in your body, University of Florida research says. Try this smoothie: Blend 1/2 cup each grape juice, low-fat vanilla yogurt, and strawberries, and 1 banana. Yum.
Wrinkle eraser
Smooth a little grapeseed oil (sold at health-food stores) onto crease-prone areas before bed. “It’s rich in antioxidants and essential fatty acids that can help keep skin looking young,” says Jeanette Jacknin, MD, author of Smart Medicine for Your Skin.
Teeth whitener
Forget bleach. “The malic acid in grapes naturally breaks down stains and discolorations on teeth,” says Elisa Mello, DDS, assistant clinical professor at New York University. Snack on grapes that are just ripe, because the acid declines as the fruit ripens.
Hand helper
Try this antioxidant-rich scrub from Lauren Cox’s Eco Beauty to banish hangnails and keep cuticles soft between manicures: In a food processor, combine 10 red grapes and 2 tablespoons granulated sugar; massage mixture around each nail, and wipe off with a wet towel.
source: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/thumbnails/0,,20311953,00.html