Whole grains are very healthy food option because they contain many important phytochemicals and antioxidants. There ingredients protect against coronary heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, etc. Whole grains are also very delicious and satisfying which makes them a very good part of a healthy diet. Researches have shown that people who consume more whole grains have a healthier hearts.
If you decide to include them in your menu, make sure you really get whole grains. The first thing you need to look for is that they are in their whole form. Examples of whole grains include brown rice, millet, quinoa, barley, etc. You can put these in you meals after you have made sure they are really whole.
Breads or cereals can contain whole grains but be careful when you buy such products. Most of them have packages which include words like “stone-ground”, “multi-grain”, “100% wheat”, but you should know that it doesn’t mean the product contains whole grains. You should check the ingredients to see if it really does. Good sources of whole grains are dark breads and toasted wheat cereals.
Also, keep in mind that refined grains like breads, pastas and breakfast cereals are not whole grains.
You should make sure that your meals contain whole grains as they are very important, healthy and beneficial ingredient.