If you’re looking to attend your local urgent care center, you are in good company. After all, up to three million people attend an urgent care center over the course of just one week. As of data that was collected in the year of 2016, there are now well over 7,000 such medical clinics operating all throughout the country – and in the years that have passed since, the number of clinics seen throughout the country have only continued to grow. And now, more than one quarter of the total population of this country has attended at least one urgent care center and gotten clinic care over the course of the last two years.
But what exactly does clinic care entail? As a matter of fact, clinic care as can be gotten at a medical walk in clinic is actually much more comprehensive than many people might think, at least at first. As a matter of fact, more than three quarters of all urgent care locations can provide clinic care for fractures, something that might come as a surprise to a great many. And clinic care can entail the treatment of ankle sprains as well – something that is very much a necessity, as up to 25,000 ankle sprains will take place over the course of just one single day in the United States alone, let alone anywhere else in the world as well.
And clinic care is ideal for treating any number of illnesses and infections as well. For instance, ear infections are commonly seen in the average medexpress urgent care clinic, thanks to the fact that they are just common in general. Ear infections are particularly common among children, thanks to the shape of their heads and the development of the important structure of the inner ear in early childhood. Fortunately, many a ear infection can be treated through the use of a course of antibiotics. The same can be said for an infection such as a urinary tract infection (also commonly known as a UTI), of which there are more than eight million diagnosed by various doctors in the United States over the course of just one single year. Clinic care is all encompassing, so much so that the quality of clinic care presented at the typical urgent care center is more than enough to treat more than 95% of the cases that come through the doors of the typical first help urgent care clinic (or the like).
For many people, clinic care is so impressive simply because of the doctors employed at various urgent care centers. At the current date, there are as many as 20,000 different fully qualified working in urgent care centers and walk in clinics all throughout the country. For many of these doctors, the work is taken very seriously indeed, providing a top quality medical experience for just about all urgent care visitors.
But why get clinic care at an urgent care clinic instead of seeking medical treatment for injuries or illness at another medical establishment, such as that of the local emergency room? For one thing, urgent care clinics boast, on the whole, drastically shorter waiting periods, with more than 90% of all urgent care centers having an average wait time of no more than a mere half of an hour. In the typical emergency room, on the other hand, this could easily extend up to an hour and even beyond it.
In addition to this, urgent care centers provide many hours for clinic care as well. The data backs this up, showing that more than 80% of all urgent care centers are actually open each and every single day of the week. For many people, this makes them far more accessible and easier to utilize than even their family doctor. In some cases – though it is important to note that this is not the case for all – urgent care centers will even be open a full 24 hours out of the day, something that can bring a great deal of accessible clinic care to many people within that community.