The winter and cold time of the year is so hard to find time to work out. You are going on shopping for presents, cards to send, some cookies and meals to bake, and of course the tradinatiol family party must be attend. More ofthen in this time of the year maybe you have a wish to ask Santa for a few more hours in the day, isn’t you? Still, having less time to exercise doesn’t mean you should give it up altogether. You’ve simply got to know how to make the best use of the (little) time you have.
And we give it to you our top five tips for staying fit when you’re super-busy:
Up your intensity
If you pick up the pace, you can literally cut your workout time in half. The American College of Sports Medicine /ACSM/, which are the experts to turn to for this sort of thing, said that is enough to spare time of a workout just 20 minutes of vigorous exercise three days a week is just as good as 30 minutes of moderate exercise five days a week.
Do just one set
Other tips from ACSM is to get similar benefits from doing a single set of each strength move as you would from doing multiple sets. So why do more? (I never do.)
Who is tell that you must do strenght moves and exercises? Instead of that you mayyou’re your little time on exercises which have two or more at one time. Do bicep curls with lunges, shoulder presses with step-ups, rows with squats. Just be sure to watch your form!
Add weight
Cut your time even further by doing fewer reps with heavier weights than you normally use. (Just make sure they’re not so heavy that you can’t maintain proper form.)
Go for an evening walk
The evening walk in this beautiful time is so pleasured. Well, sometimes may be little coldy and freezy, but isn’t it another charmy on that? Going outside for a short walk around the neighborhood after dinner. Not only will you burn some calories, but you’ll also be reminded of how peaceful this time of year can be. Now that’s a gift worth cherishing.