In the United States, addiction is a serious issue. Many individuals start using drugs for a variety of reasons. Additionally, there are different drugs they use. One such drug is opioid drugs. In fact, opioid use has transformed into an opioid epidemic. This is because opioids are typically utilized to ease severe pain, among other ailments. As the years progress, this form of addiction is beginning to become extremely common. More than 2 million Americans are now affected by prescription opioid misuse every single year. If you, or someone you know is affected by the opioid crisis, here is what you should know about opioid addiction treatment.
Opioid Crisis In America: Treatment
We know that opioids have the potential to assist individuals who are suffering from various forms of pain. You never think that you can develop an opioid dependence from medication that helps you feel better. After all, many individuals cannot live with extreme pain because they cannot function. However, there are individuals that begin to use opioids when they no longer need them. In other words, they do not experience pain, but their addiction causes them to constantly use opioids. This can possibly lead to an opioid overdose. In fact, thousands of individuals have died from a drug overdose. But, this opioid crisis does not mean that all individuals suffering from addiction are helpless. There are treatments from opioid addiction.
It is important to note that not all opioid based drugs are prescription drugs. In fact, there are some serious drugs that as opioid based. Some of these drugs include, but are not limited to, Heroin; which is an extremely dangerous, addictive drug. You can typically see the signs of opioid addiction through drugs like Heroin more so than prescription drugs. Some of these signs of opioid addiction are marks on body parts such as arms and legs. Another sign of opioid addiction is slurred speech, or the individual seems too calm or sedated. Lastly, and perhaps one of the most important signs of opioid addiction is taking the drug or medication for longer than the doctor prescribed. If you, or someone you know is experiencing these signs, you should look for opioid treatment.
There are a variety of options for opioid addiction. Each of these options focus on the side effects and withdrawal symptoms of opioid addiction.
Residential Treatment Program: This is the first option for those who have an opioid addiction. At a residential treatment program, those who are addicted to drugs will spend time away from home to receive their treatment. Once they are in recovery, this type of program will leave them with an after-treatment program so they can thrive in sober life outside of the treatment center.
Detox As Well As Withdrawal: Regardless of what treatment option you choose for your situation, all options focus on detoxing. A detox is key to all roads to recovery, because it ensures that the opioid drug is completely out of your system. Once the opioids are out of your system, you will work towards never having an opioid addiction again. Detox does, in fact, cause withdrawal. The side effects of withdrawal can be minor to extremely serious depending on how long you’ve used the drug, and how much you use. If your withdrawal symptoms are increasingly bad, medical professionals will assist you and provide you with medication that can ease the symptoms.
Medications: As previously mentioned, if your withdrawal symptoms from a detox are bad, you’ll receive medication that will help you through it. These medications include methadone, naltrexone, as well as buprenorphine- just to name a few. These medications are necessary because they function like the opioid drug but they do not give you the high you get from taking opioid drugs. These medications can be taken after the detox is completed, simply to assist with any lingering withdrawal symptoms.
Outpatient: For those who are hesitant about residential programs, there are outpatient options for you. An outpatient option is similar to a residential program in terms of treatment. However, you can still go to your job, remain in your home, and do things with your family. You just have to go to clinics for treatment.