We may not understand it, but very often we lose vitamins in the food we consume. This happens when we cook it or when we eat processed food. Here are some tips how to prevent vitamin loss:
- cook fresh vegetables and fruit on steam
- in case you use water to cook vegetables, use little amount of it
- meals should be prepared immediately before serving them
- frozen food is a better choice than canned food
- frozen food should be cooked without defrosting
- use freshly cut vegetables for salads; otherwise vitamins B and C are lost
- when cooking, use stainless steel vessels because copper pots affect the loss of vitamins C, E and folic acid
- purchase fresh products in quantities that can be used within several days
- pod vegetables, pasta, rice and flour should be kept in dark containers because direct sun light destroys vitamin B2
- don’t wash vegetables too long because this will rinse vitamins B and C out
- milk and dairy products should not be exposed to direct sun light because vitamins A, D and B2 are lost
- food that needs cooling should be kept in a fridge, so it won’t go bad. Canned food is kept in cool and dry places