Each year, many women learn they’re suffering from breast cancer. Research shows that, besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer among women in America. If you’ve learned you might or do have cancer, it’s important to research various types of treatment options. It’s understandable to want to learn more about your options regarding breast cancer treatment. With that in mind, here are four types of breast cancer treatment to consider.
- Clinical Trials
If you’re looking to obtain breast cancer therapy, it’s wise to think about enrolling in a clinical trial. You might assume that entering this type of trial means receiving placebo medication. Contrary to what you might have heard, most trials don’t consist of a placebo group. In most cases, these trials involve giving the same drug or medication to a large group of people. - Taking Medications
As part of a treatment plan or by itself, systemic treatment is another popular type of breast cancer therapy. However, these medications aren’t often administered orally. Instead, most cancer medications enter the body through the bloodstream. There are multiple categories of cancer medication including chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and the use of hormones. - Surgical Procedures
Many women also receive surgery in order to rid their bodies of breast cancer. If cancer is caught in its early stages, a lumpectomy is often performed. During these procedures, surgeons remove cancerous tissue. In some cases, cancer isn’t caught until it is in severe stages. During these situations, it might be best for a medical professional to perform a mastectomy. A mastectomy removes the entire breast to avoid the spread of cancerous tissue throughout the rest of the body. - Radiation Therapy
Another type of breast cancer therapy involves the use of radiation. For this type of treatment, high energy rays work to destroy the presence of cancerous tissue. Radiation is often popular because it’s a non invasive alternative to surgery. However, you’ll need to obtain multiple rounds of radiation to complete this type of treatment. It’s also common for radiation therapy to be used in conjunction with medication and surgeries.
To summarize, it’s important to understand your options while thinking about cancer therapy. Fortunately, modern cancer treatments are helping to ensure the cancer death rate remains low. According to data from 1991 to 2015, the cancer death rate has dropped an astounding 26%. To find out which cancer treatment options are best for you, it’s a good idea to speak with a medical professional. In turn, you’ll have someone who can utilize their knowledge and equipment to create a personalized treatment plan for you.