From people warning trick-or-treaters to beware marijuana-laced cookies to online hoaxes showing supposed disfigurements caused by bong explosions, misinformation about marijuana abounds. But the reality is that there have been many studies showing the effectiveness of marijuana as medicine. Here are some medical marijuana facts to cut through the haze:
- Marijuana Offers Relief to People in Pain
Medicinal marijuana use can offer a safe pain relief method even for terminally ill patients. It’s also prescribed because it fights the nausea that comes with many diseases or is a side effect of many other medications.
- Marijuana Can Fight Cancer
There’s even some evidence that using marijuana as medicine can fight cancer itself. THC and CBD, the cannabinoids contained in marijuana, have been shown to attack cancer cells.
- Marijuana Is Less Addictive Than Other Drugs
In one sense, many people can claim that marijuana isn’t addictive at all, since there’s no evidence it causes chemical dependence (which defines physical addiction). There’s some moderate evidence that heavy marijuana use can cause psychological addiction, meaning that users have trouble changing their habits to not include smoking marijuana. But regardless, evidence shows that marijuana is far less addictive — in any sense — than other painkillers that are regularly and legally prescribed.
- Marijuana May Help Manage Depression
Using marijuana as medicine could help with mental health and mood problems, as well as physical ones. A study published in the American Public Journal of Health has claimed that suicide rates can be lowered by 5% in general and 10% among young males if marijuana is more widely legalized.
- Marijuana Has Been Studied Extensively
Some people who oppose even legal marijuana for medicinal purposes claim that there hasn’t been enough research done to know the long-term effects of marijuana use. But in truth, marijuana has been studied far more extensively than most prescription medications. According to marijuana advocacy group National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, there are more than 20,000 published studies on marijuana and marijuana components.
Did you already know these facts about medical marijuana? Did any surprise you?