The oil is not commonly consumed but it can be eaten. Like almonds, it has good fats, minerals and vitamins like A, B and E. The easiest way to get its benefits is to eat a few almonds. Some experts think that it is best to eat raw almonds that have been soaked in water overnight.
It is used in skin care because of its nutrients, its anti-inflammatory properties and light aroma and texture.
Beauty with almonds
For beauty purposes, it can be used directly as a moisturizer by directly applying it to the skin. It is best if mixed with essential oils and other oils such rose hip, evening primrose (dry skin), borage, wheat germ, jojoba, castor and add a little bit more of vitamin E. Many expensive creams have almond oil as an ingredient.
It can be used alone or mixed as massage oil. If you want to give or receive a massage, you can use pure almond oil. It offers benefits to the skin and it is light, but oily enough to help the hands move easily during the massage.
If you would like to use it as carrier oil for an aromatherapy treatment, mix 4 ounces of almond oil with 50 drops of essential oil for body massage. For face massage, mix 1 ounce of oil with 10 drops of essential oil.
It can also be used on the hair to add luster and promote healthy hair. It is good for dry or damaged hair. Just put it on the hair and leave it for 15 to 25 minutes; then wash your hair as usual.
Almond oil is also used as a body oil instead of body lotion. You may add other oils or essential oils for fragrance and other benefits.