Many diet plans include brown rice and exclude white rice. Have you ever wondered why? Both type of rice have certain benefits which are discussed below.
According to scientific research brown rice is more suitable for diets for some reasons. First of all, it is rich in fibers and this stimulates the digestion of food. Brown rice helps our bodies get rid of accumulated toxins and cleaning the colon.
In addition, brown rice reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. It contains manganese which stimulates the production of energy from proteins and carbohydrates. Manganese also protects us from free radicals. Brown rice makes us feel full for a longer time.
White rice, on the other hand, quickly provides us with energy. It is also very beneficial for bowel movement and helps for control of high blood pressure. According to some studies people who consume white rice are less likely to smoke but tend to have a history of diabetes.
Actually, brown rice is more appropriate for diets because its fiber content and the feeling of fullness it brings However, white rice has other benefits, so it is not recommended to consume only of the types and to completely exclude the other.