Menopause is a difficult stage in life for all women. Not only is your body changing physically, but the mental comprehension of the end of child bearing years can be difficult to grasp as well. Menopause creates a variety of questions when a woman reached the age that they are no longer able to conceive, including “how long is the process?”, “is the time that I reach menopause genetic?” and “what causes pelvic pain during menopause?”. Consider the following facts when looking for menopause solutions.
What effects the time that I will go through menopause?
Studies show that women who experience emotional, mental, physical, and even economical hardship in their lives may reach menopause sooner than those who have not. Depression also plays a potential role in reaching menopause as women who suffer from depression may experience the symptoms earlier than those who have not.
What age is normal to start going through menopause?
The average woman experiences the first stages of menopause between their late forties and late fifties, although there are records of women going though menopause in their thirties and sixties.
What can affect my fertility?
There are many causes of infertility in women including smoking, weight, age, and overall womens health. Infertility is not always absolute and can be helped by assisted reproductive technology, in vitro fertilization, and various homeopathic techniques. Women who are of average pregnancy years should try to conceive for at least a year before taking on more serious options.
What are some menopause solutions to make it less uncomfortable?
Women just starting menopause can begin hormone therapy, a safe treatment to ease the hormonal imbalances that may occur during hormonal changes of menopause. This treatment can make a difference for up to five years and does not put women at an increased risk of heart disease, but they should still go for regular screenings.