There are so many herbs claimed to help in weight loss that we often don’t know which are safe and which can cause problems. Here are the top three weight loss herbs that are absolutely safe to use and have many benefits.
• Cayenne – If you don’t have problems with spicy food, you can sprinkle some cayenne on your meals. Cayenne contains capsaicin – an ingredient that stimulates saliva and digestion and increases the metabolism at a safe level.
• Green Tea – This natural herbal stimulant functions as coffee but adds the benefits of vitamin C and antioxidants. The strength of green tea can be regulated by steeping the tea quickly or for a longer time. Green tea is available as teabags or capsules, but the liquid form is assimilated better.
• Seaweed – Seaweed is rich in trace minerals such as chromium and iodine. It is very good natural stimulant of the thyroid and is available as kelp capsules or tablets. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before using seaweed in case your weigh problem is associated with a thyroid problem or in case you are currently using any thyroid medicines.
You should keep in mind that herbs should be used as careful as any drugs. If you want to use herbs regularly as part of your healthy plan, you have to make a thorough research about herbs, their functions and their effects.