Most people wish that they could improve some aspect of their life to increase happiness levels. Just 33% of Americans said that they were very happy, remaining consistent with happiness levels in 20122, but dropping from the 35% who reported being very happy in 2008 and 2009. Happiness generally involves the combination of acceptance in all areas of life, including career, relationships, mental, and physical health. Usually, each of these areas requires their own improvement to complete the whole. A gratitude coach podcast can help with finding specific improvement tips and techniques.
Physical exercise
Exercise is not just for weight loss. The physical act of exercising reduces stress levels and balances hormone levels. It increases blood circulation and improves mental health. People who exercise regularly are not only physically healthier, but also tend to be more satisfied with their lives. Exercise also increases health. Considering that medical conditions are one of the most common sources of anxiety and worry, it can also significantly reduce anxiety levels.
Meditation and mindfulness training
Meditation is the act of blocking out all exterior thoughts and focusing on the self. Our days are often filled with concerns of others, and we do not focus enough on our own wants and desires. Mediation training, along with guided meditation can successfully reduce stress and anxiety. It can also help people solve personal debates and concerns.
Meditation has also proven to be effective in insomnia. In a small, NCCIH funded study, 54 adults with chronic insomnia learned mindfulness based stressed reduction (MBSR), a form of MBSR specially adapted to deal with insomnia or a self monitoring program. Both mediation based programs aided sleep, with MBTI providing a significantly greater reduction in insomnia severity compared with MBSR. A good night of sleep is extremely important to a person?s overall health, making MBTI an essential tool for wellness. Gratitude coach podcasts can help insomnia suffers learn these important mediation practices.
Counseling or journaling
When you keep negative thoughts and problems in your head, they affect you over time. Most mental health professionals recommend getting those thoughts out in some method. A few methods that work include counseling, journaling, or simply communicating with a trusted friend. When you have the ability to see those thoughts written down or to hear them spoken, you can evaluate them better. You also have the ability to challenge them with more positive thought patterns.
Keep a journal listing five things you are grateful for, like a friend?s generosity, something you have recently learned, or a beautiful scene you have witnessed. Research has demonstrated that people who do this once a week for two months will report more optimism and happiness, fewer physical problems, and more time working out. Overall, people are happier. Gratitude coach podcasts can assist you with coming up with ways to express your negative thoughts and replace them with positive gratifications.
Work with a life coach
Sometimes, it can be difficult to evaluate the specific areas of your life that need to be improved for happiness. It can be especially difficult without the ability to look outside in. A life coach can work with you on your goals, dreams, and improvements. They can help you identify different areas of your life that you are currently unsatisfied in. They can also assist with things like spiritual training and gratitude training.
Pay it forward
You are likely to feel a load of tension and stress melt away when you have achieved optimal happiness. Although you are aware that you will continue to work on your happiness levels, you are overall satisfied with the different elements in your life. When this occurs, it is necessary to pay it forward to others. You can do this with gratitude coach podcasts of your own, or by creating a success podcast for those looking for life help.
Most people strive for overall happiness. Happiness comes from working on individual parts of yourself. This can be achieved with mediation, exercise, gratitude journaling, and personal awareness. You will eventually learn that it is a process and a journey, rather than a finish line. Combine all the different areas of your life for optimal wellbeing. Get more here.