Eggs white and yogurt mask This mask is very simple as it requires only two ingredients and only two minutes to make. Supermodel Shalom Harlow says it is moisturizing and soothing. The ingredients you need are two egg whites and two tablespoons of plain yogurt. First you should separate the egg whites from the yolk… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Side Effect of Energy Drinks
Energy drinks become very popular, particular among teenagers. These drinks are used to boost energy but specialists warn that they have many side effects and can be dangerous. Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in energy drinks. In limited quantities it can boost energy, but if it is consumed in large quantities, caffeine can… Continue reading
Health Benefits of Alcohol
As strange as it may sound to some of you, alcohol has numerous benefits if it is consumed moderately and reasonably. Let’s see some these health benefits: Numerous studies show that moderate alcohol consumption has some health benefits. These studies are independent and are conducted in different countries. Their conclusion will no doubt please alcohol… Continue reading
Facial Masks for Dry Skin
Avocado face mask Avocados, along with honey, are very moisturizing, so this mask is suitable for manure, dry and wrinkled skin. It is recommended to use a ripe and fresh avocado. You need one half of an avocado and about ¼ cup of honey. The avocado is mashed in a bowl and the honey is… Continue reading
Homemade Facial Masks for Oily Skin
Banana mask This is a soothing face mask and great if you have bananas around the house. This facial mask will sooth the skin. It is very easy to prepare as bananas are very popular fruits and we always have them in the house. You need one ripe banana and a tablespoon of honey which… Continue reading
Second-hand Smoke can Cause Middle Ear Infections
A new study conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and the Research Institute for a Tobacco Free Society in the Republic of Ireland suggests that the children whose parents smoke at home are at a higher risk of middle air infections than children who live in smoke-free homes. The researchers found… Continue reading
Childhood Obesity Related to Early Introduction of Solid Foods
A new study claims that obesity in childhood is directly related to starting infants on solid food before they reach 4 months age. According to the study the infants who started eating solid food before the age of 4 months were six times more likely to develop obesity by the time they become 3 years… Continue reading
Male Hair Loss – Treatment Options
Males are very often affected by hair loss which is known as male pattern baldness. This kind of hair loss is hereditary – it is passed from generation to generation. However, there are still some treatment options which can improve the condition. The first thing a male should do when he experience the problem is… Continue reading