Each cat has own “individuality” with its particular peculiarities and characteristics. Even if there are some “rules” for cats, there are also odd cat that break the rules and have a different behavior pattern. But do not think of cats as “little humans”. They are not that. They are just cats, with their unique limitations… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Ranks to a forum by gender disparities
An index issued Tuesday by the World Economic Forum (WEF) “ranked 134 countries according to how much they had reduced gender disparities over the past year in the areas of economic participation, education, political empowerment and health,” the New York Times reports. “Gender disparities were found to be widest in Pakistan, Chad and Yemen –… Continue reading
How to choose a fish tank
People think that if you choose to have a fish tank it is a simple decision, but it can be become instead of a pleasurable hobby in a big disappointment. So consider several things to before you decide to buy it: Location: To decide where to locate I you should consider not only its size… Continue reading
Healthy recipices for Halloween
Pumpkin Cake Ingredients * 1 cup vegetable oil * 3 eggs * 1 (15 ounce) can pumpkin puree * 1 teaspoon vanilla extract * 2 1/2 cups white sugar * 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour * 1 teaspoon baking soda * 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg * 1 teaspoon ground allspice * 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon… Continue reading
The great alcohol turism of the abroad students
For American students, spending a semester or two studying in a foreign country means the opportunity to improve foreign language skills and become immersed in a different culture. And for some of those students, studying abroad can involve greater alcohol consumption. New results from University of Washington researchers point to why some students drink more… Continue reading
Dangerous infections from the pets for your child
Caring for pets offers a tremendous learning experience for kids, teaching them responsibility, gentleness, and respect for nature and other living beings. Like adults, kids can benefit from the companionship, affection, and relationships they share with their pets. But animals and pets can transmit infections to humans, especially kids. So if you’re thinking about buying… Continue reading
Marathon trainings for beginners
Planning to run your first marathon or half marathon? You’re not alone. Participation in marathons and half-marathons is up — in a big way. Half-marathon finishers totaled 1 million in 2009, says Ryan Lamppa of Running USA, an organization devoted to the running industry. Marathon finishers totaled 467,000. What’s the appeal? “People are not as… Continue reading
Stem cells for stroke therapy from menstrual blood
The potential for stem cells derived from menstrual blood to benefit stroke sufferers will be jointly investigated by researchers at the University of South Florida, Cryo-Cell International, Inc., a global stem cell company based in Oldsmar, FL, and Saneron CCEL Therapeutics, Inc. a Tampa-based biotechnology company. The research team is supported by a $100,000 grant… Continue reading