Lately, I’ve wondered more than once about what is Tea Tree Oil? There are spray bottles standing around the yoga studio where I go with water mixed with this stuff, and I always spray some on my beloved purple yoga mat after every class, assuming that I’m doing it some good. As it turns out,… Continue reading
Author: News Health
How to secure safe school for your child with allergy
For millions of children with allergies and asthma, heading back-to-school with high levels of fall pollens and molds in the air and exposure to potential allergens and viruses in class can really take a toll. In fact, asthma, which can be triggered by allergies and respiratory illnesses, causes a 46 percent increase in emergency room… Continue reading
The Chinese symbols that bring you luck
From Chinese characters and statues of dragons to golden cats and red envelopes, Chinese good luck symbols take many forms. Chinese Characters: A Symbol of Good Luck One of the most popular Chinese symbols of good luck is the pinyin characters for fu which represents good luck or good fortune. An ancient Chinese tradition that… Continue reading
Maybe there is cure for dementia – re-growth of the brain cells show Canadian scientist
A team of scientists from the University of Lethbridge’s Canadian Centre for Behavioural Neuroscience (CCNB) has confirmed the first ever successful example of brain cell re-growth in an adult rat. This breakthrough may offer hope for effective treatments for dementia-related diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer‘s, stroke, substance abuse, and the side effects of some… Continue reading
Lose weight easely
Well, if you put the flaxseed in water overnight, in the morning you will have flaxseed water. I have been told that it is like a gel and it has a light taste, not precisely pleasant. My neighbor lost his very prominent tummy by taking that drink for a few months. At the time the… Continue reading
Samala’s birth story
Is This Labor? I was 37 weeks’ pregnant when my beautiful daughter arrived. There had been some minor complications the week before her birth (I was leaking small amounts of amniotic fluid), and my doctor thought we might have to induce labor. But after a nonstress test and an ultrasound, he decided it was best… Continue reading
The cataract surgery – when it is time?
Almost everyone who lives a long life will develop cataracts at some point. As more Americans live into their 70s and beyond, we all need to know a few cataract basics: risks and symptoms, tips that may delay onset, and how to decide when it is time for surgery, so good vision can be restored.… Continue reading
How to get rid of depression with aromatherapy
In aromatherapy it is believed that the sense of smell is very powerful and directly connected to our brain, and therefore, to the hormonal activity in the body. Based on this logic, we can balance our hormones using essential oils. Although aromatherapy cannot fix the root of the emotional problem, it can help give you… Continue reading