We all wonder what food is healthy and what we should eat to keep our body in perfect condition. Choosing the food we eat is often a difficult task. The following list of foods contains the top ten healthier foods that will provide all nutrients needed by the body and will improve our health. 1)… Continue reading
Author: News Health
The Importance of Vitamins
Vitamins are natural nutrients which are essential for the body even though they are needed only in very small amounts. The word “vitamin” was firstly used in 1911 by a Polish chemist and is a combination of two words: vital, which means life, and amine, which is a chemical group incorrectly believed to occur in… Continue reading
How to Treat Our Hair in a Natural and Proper Way?
Everyone wants to have gorgeous hair, but not many people achieve this. However, in order to have beautiful hair, we need to treat it properly. Hair problems have be caused by many various things which make the scalp and hair stressed. These may include improper hair styling or staining procedures. Also, insufficient rinsing of the… Continue reading
Healthy and Beautiful Nails in a Natural Way
What does natural nail care means? If you want to take care of your nails in a natural way, then you should not apply chemical products on the nails, or should use such products in very small amounts. The avoidance of nail polishes made of harsh products is strongly recommended. One should only use polishes… Continue reading
Natural Facial Skin Care
Care about the skin of the face should be an important part of the daily beauty routine. You should cleanse, moisture, exfoliate and treat your facial skin if you want to maintain is healthy and beautiful. The facial skin care products that you use should be chosen in accordance with your skin type. However, natural… Continue reading
Take Care of Your Body in a Natural Way
Body care is very important daily routine. Natural body care means usage of only natural oils and lotions on the skin instead of synthetic ointments and products, made of chemicals. Natural healthy body care means good body care. If you want to have a good and healthy body, you should treat it with natural healthy… Continue reading
Eating Out – Practical Tips 2
Eating at a restaurant doesn’t mean you have no chance to consume healthy food. It is true that when you eat out you can’t choose the ingredients and prepare the food the way you want, but you still have some options for a healthy and balanced meal. The basic recommendations are to choose meals that… Continue reading
Physical activity and healthy food for perfect weight
Underweight and overweight are both not healthy. Overweight can cause various health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. Underweight can also cause some medical problems. If you have any worries about your weigh, you should consult your doctor or visit a dietitian to develop a special diet plan for you. However,… Continue reading