Whole grains are very healthy food option because they contain many important phytochemicals and antioxidants. There ingredients protect against coronary heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, etc. Whole grains are also very delicious and satisfying which makes them a very good part of a healthy diet. Researches have shown that people who consume more whole grains… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Vegetables and Fruits: Rich Sources of Vitamins, Minerals and Anti-oxidants
Fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary food as they are not very caloric but they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and various protective plant compounds. They are a main part of a healthy diet because they are great nutrients. Fruits and vegetables should be part of every meal and should be preferred… Continue reading
Some tips to prevent hair loss
The daily loss of hair is something normal and common, and all people experience it. However, there are many people who go through a rapid hair loss and not new hair is growing to replace the lost. Unfortunately these people’s hair becomes thinner and may even cause partial or complete baldness. Here are some useful… Continue reading
Perfect figure and good health – how to achieve it?
The common believe is that losing weight means a weakened organism and hence, many medical problems. It is not true. You can lose weight gradually and still remain healthy. But you should know that if you want to control your weight in certain limits, you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. Here are… Continue reading
How and what we should eat?
If you want to eat healthy food, you can use the eatwell plate to make your choice easier. This exemplary eatwell plate includes healthy food from different food groups, as well as the correct proportions you should use. An eatwell plate should include the following foods: – lots of fruits and vegetables – bread, rice,… Continue reading
Which is the most popular food myths busted?
We all have heard about different assumptions and beliefs on food – what’s healthy, what’s unhealthy, what we should eat and should not eat. Here are five of the most popular food myths busted and debunked. 1) Healthier foods are very expensive This is not true. Some ingredients may really be expensive but you do… Continue reading
Exceptive usage of alcohol and its effects on human health
Alcohol is not bad if it is consumed within certain limits. We all have some occasional drinks, but excess amounts of alcohol may result is many serious problems. Alcohol has many effects on the human body. One of these effects is the extra kilograms it can bring, as it is very caloric. Also, alcohol is… Continue reading
Which gene stops premature birth and what happen if it gone
Mutation of a gene that helps protect the body from genetic instability leads to cellular and molecular changes in the pregnant uterus that trigger premature birth, according to a study appearing online Feb. 1 in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The research by scientists in the Division of Reproductive Sciences, part of the Perinatal Institute… Continue reading