Many people aspire to be wealthy, which honestly, it’s a pretty sweet dream to have. But what is wealth without health? Good question, isn’t it? When founder of Apple Computers Steve Jobs was facing the end of his life due to complications with pancreatic cancer, he openly admitted that he would trade his illness to… Continue reading
Author: News Health
3 Things No One Ever Told You About Losing Weight
If you have tried to lose weight in the past, as part of a weight loss program or just on your own, you know it?s no piece of cake?literally. Losing weight is hard! You are aware of the many health benefits of slimming down: decreased risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. It sounds great,… Continue reading
The Basic Sleep Apnea Machine
Sleep apnea is a fairly common serious sleep disorder that impacts nearly 18 million people in the United States. Basically sufferers stop sleeping multiple times throughout the night. They can have as many as 60 sleep apnea episodes in an evening. These can last only a few seconds or they can last several minutes. A… Continue reading
Check out Urgent Care Before Checking Into the ER
One of the biggest problems with healthcare today, besides costs, is being able to find a doctor who has open appointments and won’t make you wait days or even weeks. In some urban areas, people can wait weeks to get an appointment, and that’s if they can even find a doctor. One possible solution to… Continue reading
How Lifestyle Medicine Can Change Your Life
When you consider that chronic disease accounts for over three-quarters of all health expenditure and is the principal cause of disability and death, it is little wonder that lifestyle medicine is growing in importance. The field, which covers research, prevention and treatment of disorders attributed to lifestyle factors related to physical inactivity, poor nutrition and… Continue reading
How to Achieve a Scientific Diet For Optimal Health and Wellbeing
Many Americans suffer with poor health, low energy and chronic pains. This could be a result from our high energy and busy lifestyles or from poor diet practices. It could also be the result of a lack of exercise or movement. All of these things affect how our bodies work and how much energy we… Continue reading
Why Health Insurance Matters In Recruiting
There is much that employers have to worry about in regards to employees. The fact is that there is more to keeping people employed than telling them what to do and ensuring that they’re paid what they’re owed on time. Employees are the heart of a business; without happy and cared-for employees, your business, whether… Continue reading
Pancreatic and Liver Cancers Can Sometimes be Treated with Hepatobiliary Surgery
The initial symptoms were not that alarming. For the last week you simply were not feeling your best. You tried to get more rest and and eat well, but when you were not feeling better by the start of the second week you decided to go in to see your doctor. The initial diagnosis was… Continue reading