Most people experience back pain at some point in their lives, whether that’s because they fell asleep in a strange position or because they have serious medical issues. So when should you seek treatment for back pain? Here are some suggestions that can help you get treatment when you need it: When You’ve Been in… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Menopausal Solutions for Women
Menopause is a difficult stage in life for all women. Not only is your body changing physically, but the mental comprehension of the end of child bearing years can be difficult to grasp as well. Menopause creates a variety of questions when a woman reached the age that they are no longer able to conceive,… Continue reading
Personal Fitness Coaching For Physical Success
You don’t need a million studies to tell you that exercise is good for you, by now its common knowledge that regular exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately with our busy day to day lives it can be difficult to squeeze in a fitness plan that works with our schedule. Personal… Continue reading
Three Reasons Why Marriage Counseling Is Worth It
For a long time now, there has been a stigma attached to having relationship problems in a marriage; in the past, it seems, couples were just expected to grin and bear it in public, no matter how much they were hating each other when no one else was around. Luckily, that stigma is starting is… Continue reading
What a Study of Atrial Fibrillation Can Show Us About Omega-3 Fatty Acids
When it comes to promoting a healthy heart, or improving your cardiovascular wellness, most doctors agree that consuming omega 3 fatty acids is one of the best steps you can take. This substance, known as an essential fatty acid, has been linked to a number of benefits to the human body, including improved mental skills… Continue reading
How to Use Moroccan Argan Oil in Your Everyday Hair and Skincare Routine
Have you heard of Moroccan argan oil? In recent months, this substance’s popularity has increased exponentially among beauty product creators and fans alike. Sometimes called “liquid gold,” argan oil is available in everything from soaps and lotions for the skin to shampoos and conditioners for hair. It can be used on any skin and hair… Continue reading
5 Tips for Losing Weight — the Healthy Way
Getting fit means different things to different people; some are focused on going down a certain number of jeans sizes, while others want to increase muscle mass or get extra definition. But if your goal is simply to be generally healthier and lose some weight, here are some tips that can help the average person… Continue reading
The Top Five Ingredients to Look for in Natural Skin Care Products
Every day there’s news of the latest chemical in our moisturizer or acne cream that’s going to cause serious medical problems. With such a high prevalence of harmful skin care ingredients on the market, it’s no wonder many people are switching to natural skin care products for their daily care regimen. But what natural skin… Continue reading