Have you heard of Moroccan argan oil? In recent months, this substance’s popularity has increased exponentially among beauty product creators and fans alike. Sometimes called “liquid gold,” argan oil is available in everything from soaps and lotions for the skin to shampoos and conditioners for hair. It can be used on any skin and hair… Continue reading
Author: News Health
5 Tips for Losing Weight — the Healthy Way
Getting fit means different things to different people; some are focused on going down a certain number of jeans sizes, while others want to increase muscle mass or get extra definition. But if your goal is simply to be generally healthier and lose some weight, here are some tips that can help the average person… Continue reading
The Top Five Ingredients to Look for in Natural Skin Care Products
Every day there’s news of the latest chemical in our moisturizer or acne cream that’s going to cause serious medical problems. With such a high prevalence of harmful skin care ingredients on the market, it’s no wonder many people are switching to natural skin care products for their daily care regimen. But what natural skin… Continue reading
Realizing the True Potential of Physical Therapy
The term physical therapy tends to give people the wrong impression. Many people think of it as something that only professional athletes need to undergo, but in reality, many people can benefit from this type of therapy. Patients with arthritis, people recovering from an injury, those who suffer from chronic back pain, or even amateur… Continue reading
Give the Perfect Baby Shower Gift A Pregnancy Massage
Are you looking for the perfect baby shower gift? Sure, you can always get the mother-to-be another onesie, or some more baby toys, but why not let her know that you’re thinking of her, and not just the baby growing inside her? The gift of a pregnancy massage will be a welcome one for any… Continue reading
5 Surprising Facts About Medical Marijuana
From people warning trick-or-treaters to beware marijuana-laced cookies to online hoaxes showing supposed disfigurements caused by bong explosions, misinformation about marijuana abounds. But the reality is that there have been many studies showing the effectiveness of marijuana as medicine. Here are some medical marijuana facts to cut through the haze: Marijuana Offers Relief to People… Continue reading
If You Haven’t Been Able to Lose Weight, You Haven’t Tried Medical Weight Loss
If you have tried losing weight for years, and nothing has worked, you’re likely very frustrated. Diets, exercise routines, “miracle” diet pills: there are a million of them out there, and everyone seems to have found some kind of secret that works wonders for them. Everyone, that is, except you. When you’re struggling to lose… Continue reading
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is a Simple Treatment for Some Pretty Serious Conditions
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy is certainly a mouthful, and probably sounds very intimidating and scary. The truth is, it’s nothing like that at all. It is a very simple treatment that can help with a number of different conditions. Hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment is most well-known for treating divers with the bends. But it is… Continue reading