The advent of endoscopes, tiny fiberoptic cameras allowing doctors and surgeons to diagnose and treat patients, have allowed procedures to be much less invasive. Moreover, because they can get the full scope of how an organ is functioning without cutting the patient open, endoscopes allow doctors to observe patients and determine care more accurately. Arthroscopy,… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Finding the Best Alternative to Emergency Room Care
If you have ever seen the inside of an emergency room, then you know that the waiting room alone is pure chaos. You could wait for several hours to see a doctor, because the vast majority of people go to the ER because they cannot see their doctor. In fact, about 48% of people who… Continue reading
Take the Steps to Avoid Heel Pain
As you get older daily aches and pain become a normal part of life. Several adults go through foot heel pain as they age. Unfortunately that can make even the simplest tasks more difficult than walking across hot coals. Fortunately a wide variety of treatment for foot pain exists for people of all pages. The… Continue reading
Five Facts and Statistics about Facelifts You Should Know
Everyone wants to look and feel their best. In 2012, Americans spent about $11 billion on about 14.6 million cosmetic surgery procedures. Our self-image directly impacts how confident we feel with ourselves, and our confidence is often related to our level success. Cosmetic surgery can be an effective option to revitalize our outer appearance and… Continue reading
Tired of Dreary Waiting Rooms? Get Help Quickly at a Comfortable Walk In Clinic
In the United States, there are around 209,000 primary care physicians, according to some estimates. But despite that high number, sitting around bored in waiting rooms is all too common. Thought the average wait in a doctor’s office is just 19 minutes, waiting for much longer happens regularly and time seems to go slower when… Continue reading
Three Ways You Can Breathe Better and Feel Better
Relax. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, hold it, now release. Do you feel better? That’s what people like to say in order to offer you support when you’re feeling stressed or angry. But the expression “take a deep breath” has become so engrained in our conversational vocabulary that it almost runs the… Continue reading
What Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Can Do For Your Treatment Resistant Depression
Depression affects us all: over our lifetimes, an estimated 20-25% of the adult population will suffer from a major depressive episode. Even those who won’t deal with depression personally will be likely to know someone who does. The signs of depression include symptoms such as fatigue, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, inability to concentrate on… Continue reading
How to Pick a Medical Clinic
No one wants to go through a medical emergency, whether major or minor, but everyone knows what to do if one happens: go to the closest emergency room. However, with the changing state of healthcare, this may no longer be the case. While emergency room care is still the best method of care for major… Continue reading