Did you know that radiation necrosis, which is a lesion caused from radiotherapy or radiosurgery, is a long-term central nervous system complication? Since these types of medical treatments can actually lead to more problems, hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wounds has become available. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is beneficial in a variety of ways, as it helps… Continue reading
Author: News Health
Three Age-Fighting Remedies You Can’t Pick Up at the Store
Plenty of people know to stay out of the sun for increased periods of time when they’re trying to ward off aging. The sun’s rays, though necessary for life here on earth, can actually damage our skin in the long run, leading to a leathery, wrinkly appearance. But there’s more to anti-aging than just limiting… Continue reading
Are You Experiencing Chronic Pain? You May Want to Consider Acupuncture
Do you experience chronic pain in your back, neck, hands or other area? If so, you may want to consider all the possibilities for alleviating this pain which include the benefits of acupuncture. The National Health Interview Survey in 2007 reported over three million people in the United States had utilized acupuncture within the last… Continue reading
Three Types of Diets and How They Might Just Work for You
It’s hard to keep track of all the information that gets churned out every year about weight loss. Every day, it seems like there’s a new miracle cure just waiting to be picked up at our local supplement stores. But wish as we might for some kind of magical pill to relieve us of our… Continue reading
Endoscope Technology Facilitates Quickest Diagnosis and Treatment Ever
The advent of endoscopes, tiny fiberoptic cameras allowing doctors and surgeons to diagnose and treat patients, have allowed procedures to be much less invasive. Moreover, because they can get the full scope of how an organ is functioning without cutting the patient open, endoscopes allow doctors to observe patients and determine care more accurately. Arthroscopy,… Continue reading
Finding the Best Alternative to Emergency Room Care
If you have ever seen the inside of an emergency room, then you know that the waiting room alone is pure chaos. You could wait for several hours to see a doctor, because the vast majority of people go to the ER because they cannot see their doctor. In fact, about 48% of people who… Continue reading
Take the Steps to Avoid Heel Pain
As you get older daily aches and pain become a normal part of life. Several adults go through foot heel pain as they age. Unfortunately that can make even the simplest tasks more difficult than walking across hot coals. Fortunately a wide variety of treatment for foot pain exists for people of all pages. The… Continue reading
Five Facts and Statistics about Facelifts You Should Know
Everyone wants to look and feel their best. In 2012, Americans spent about $11 billion on about 14.6 million cosmetic surgery procedures. Our self-image directly impacts how confident we feel with ourselves, and our confidence is often related to our level success. Cosmetic surgery can be an effective option to revitalize our outer appearance and… Continue reading