It’s truly amazing how badly some men want their hair back. Not only would 30% of men give up sex if it meant getting their hair back, but a whopping 60% of men would rather have more hair than money or friends. Thankfully, these desperate guys have a novel new solution called scalp pigmentation that can put some buzz back on their heads.
Scalp pigmentation is essentially having your head and scalp tattooed with tiny dots that give the appearance of natural stubble, like a short, buzz-cut. It’s the only effective, immediate solution that doesn’t involve any scarring, downtime, or invasive surgery even.
That being said, scalp pigmentation isn’t like a normal tattoo because it doesn’t penetrate as deep down and because it retains its color better. This means that you won’t start off with brunette dots, only to find that you have flaming red fuzz a few years down the line. It also hurts less than a normal tattoo does, and it hurts a lot less than surgery. If pain is still a huge factor, then an anesthetic can be applied to help make it easier.
To be fair, there are other kinds of hair loss treatments, but few are actually available for people who have gone completely bald. Whether suffering from a thinning hair, male pattern baldness, alopecia, or even awkward bald spots left by scars, scalp pigmentation can at least give men the appearance of some hair, even if it is only stubble.
This can go a long ways towards a person’s self-confidence, which is an important part of life. It’s been proven that having higher levels of self-confidence make a person healthier mentally. The better a person’s mental health, the more likely they are to take care of themselves. What’s more, the more self confidence a person has, the easier they’ll feel in social circumstances.
Basically, scalp pigmentation makes a person more confident, which will then make them happier.
So why not get a hair treatment that can give you the same awesome look as celebrities like Justin Timberlake. Channing Tatum, and David Beckham? Although there are several different hair loss treatments available, hair tattoos are the only kind of treatment that can solve a myriad of different hair loss issues and are guaranteed to work without any surgery, scarring, or downtime. If you have any questions about scalp pigmentation, feel free to ask in the comments.