When you have a pressing medical problem that isn’t life-threatening but should be addressed quickly, a trip to the emergency room isn’t always the most viable option — nor is scheduling a doctor’s appointment that could be a week in the future. That’s why urgent care centers exist. About 3 million patients in the United… Continue reading
Author: News Health
“Treating ADHD without drugs”
ADHD treatment has long centered on the administration of drugs such as Adderall and Ritalin. Like other forms of modern medicine, adhd treatment without drugs is a viable option. So why should you steer away from prescription drugs for the treatment of ADHD? Prescribed stimulant medication can often include side effects such as lack of… Continue reading
Late Night Sickness? Head to a Walk In Clinic for Help
Every year, according to the CDC, there are around a billion visits to the doctor in the United States. People need to seek professional medical help for all kinds of reasons, including everything from broken bones to serious illness. Stats from the CDC show that the most commonly diagnosed issue in the U.S. is hypertension,… Continue reading
Anti-Aging Products Why You Should Go Natural
Current events make it perfectly clear: Hollywood is particularly unkind to aging women. Even the typically kindhearted Ellen DeGeneres cruelly quipped about Liza Minnelli, 67, calling her “one of the most amazing Liza Minnelli impersonators I have seen in my entire life” and tacking on, “Good job, sir.” Twitter users were especially vicious about Kim… Continue reading
Top Three Reasons to Visit Urgent Care
When it comes to a person’s health, where they go to be taken care of is an important decision. The emergency room is the standard, tried-and-tested place to go when you get hurt, but it certainly isn’t the only place, and perhaps it is not the best. Urgent care centers have been rising in popularity,… Continue reading
How A Weight Loss Doctor Can Help You Lose Weight The Healthy Way
If you currently struggle with being obese or overweight, you’re not alone — it affects two out of three Americans. You’ve most likely heard about liposuction before, but have you ever considered it as a real option? For those who are qualified, a liposuction procedure performed by a qualified weight loss dr. or cosmetic surgeon… Continue reading
How to Seek Help For Your Addiction
Drug addiction, chemical dependency and alcoholism are diseases that don’t have a definitive cure. They’re also becoming more common. According to the National Institutes of Health, between 2002 and 2011, the number of illegal drug users between ages 50 to 59 alone tripled from 900,000 to 2.7 million. However, recovery from any of these illnesses… Continue reading
What Has Caused the Recent Explosion of Revenue among the Urgent Care Industry in the United States?
Today, urgent care centers account for about $14 billion in annual revenue in the United States. Many ailing or injured patients in the United States find urgent care facilities for the treatment of non-life threatening health complications. One of the main factors for the growth of the urgent care industry in the United States is… Continue reading